Thursday, April 17, 2014

        April 17th, Thursday of Holy Week (Last Supper)

Dear Lord, Jesus King of All Nations,

In Your messages to us, Lord, You have let us know what a serious sin abortion is: 'Alone, the horrendous sin of the murder of the innocent unborn compels My Justice to descend upon mankind' (Message of June 24, 2010). This is an important matter for us in the USA and other nations as well because the practice of abortion is permitted to some degree by our laws and some Christian groups advocate its 'legality' as being part of their way of loving You. In order to promote unity within Your Church and to make clear to those groups that listen to You and hear Your voice, Lord, I'm seeking now clarification from You on when abortion or pregnancy prevention may be permitted according to Your Law.
One thing on Twitter I've been doing is advocating a US Constitutional Amendment that will ban all uterine abortions (abortions that happen after fertilized egg attaches to uterus lining for nutritional support and formation). Instituting this civil law would ban many abortions, but it would not prohibit pregnancy prevention measures such as morning after pills, condoms, iuds, etc. Would such a new US Constitutional Amendment, being more congruent with Your Law, be pleasing to You, or would the allowances be continually disturbing to You as to make You dissatisfied with it?
Another concern that I hope You will address, Lord, is that some who claim to follow You desire for abortion to be 'safe and legal'. I believe they are concerned that some may be socio-economically disadvantaged, others may have ectopic pregnancies that threaten the women's life, others may have developing unborn with serious abnormalities, and some are victims of rape and/or incest. Would it be acceptible to You to allow our civil laws permitting abortion to continue, but to expect a standard from Your faithful that we not partake in abortions for ourselves or anyone else?  
Final concerns, Lord, I have are that many of our leaders in government today are pro-choice and do what they can to promote the safety and accessibility of abortion for all their nation's citizens. Is it okay with You for Your followers to work for such matters in their capacities as judges, legislators, governors, presidents, etc. in our civil governments on earth, or does their being pro-choice automatically exclude them from being a follower of Yours?
Also, a by product of the pro-choice advocacy and the permission of abortion by our civil law is that some in our society feel or believe that the 'right to abort' is a God given right. I've heard this enunciated before and want to bring it also to Your attention!  
Thank you, Dear Lord Jesus, for listening to my petition to You about this serious matter of abortion. I'm hopeful that further information and directions from You concerning Your Will on abortion will help us and all mankind serve Your Kingship of All Nations on Earth in a way more pleasing to You! 
Respectfully submitted, with love and gratitude,